目前分類:diary (39)

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Originally I'd like to skip the diary today because my hand is hurt due to the play of basketball yesterday. But now it seems like my hand not that hurt as I think and there is one hour to have the dinner, it's a good time to keep a diary.

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Actually, I have never reviewed what I've done for the past years, I have reviewed what I've done when each semester ends instead.

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Yesterday Gene came to my room and had a talk. We discuss about the unwilling things when we concentrate on researches. Gene thinks we'll have much administration when we have a bigger research plan. He would like to prevent these things. After all, what we love is research. Taking too much time in administration is like putting the cart before the horse.

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Two days ago, I bought a special toothbrush which costs NTD 65.

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I waked up at 11 and found that I escaped another course which began at 10. After having the lunch, I considered whether I should go to attend the speech or not. The speaker is 李開復, a very important person in Google. He worked in Microsoft before. I thought 李開復 has to come to Taiwan by airplane, while I come to the speech place by motorcycle. There is a few change he'll come again, so it's worth to attend the speech. I don't expect he'll give a excellent speech, I think he would give the same normal speech as he gave about a half year ago. However, this time he really did a great presentation.

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I only have ten minutes to write today's diary. It's a time-limiting challenge. :-)

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Although I have some issues of memory, I spent ten minutes thinking about a not bad issue of the diary. It's easier to search for interesting topics in the lost time. Maybe remembering the past times becomes my hobby. I still remember the scene that a girl told me she has never did this. She thinks recalling the past wastes time and makes us seem like a fool. I don't know what she said is her real thought or not, but I often recall this scene when I soak in old times.

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I wake up before 7 these days. The edge of the sun shines my eyes, so I stay awake and asleep until my cellphone alarms. The alarm time is 7 o'clock. The sound of the alarm is actually the waltz "Little Dog" composed by Chopin. Yes, the music is too graceful to wake me up. My cellphone could repeat the alarm every ten minutes if no one presses the cancel button. I don't know when it would finally turn off the repeat function, what I know is I hear the music about four to five times, and the next time my eyes are opened, it's noon. Whether you believe or not, I think this is a good hint that I would get up at 7 next day. Yes, I've told myself this for several days. *smile*

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I'm not sure the exactly meaning of the blog name "Beyond the Moon". It sounds cool and I love moon. From the query results from the translating sites, "Beyond the Moon" means "pass the moon" or "go over the moon", while the original meaning that I would like to say is "on the moon". You know, "on the moon" sounds boring, and there is lack of such a feeling when you read it. Whatever the name is, the feeling is important. Therefore, I choose this name.

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One day, aoss told me that he found students in Computer Science don't used to stare the eyes of the guy he/she is talking to. After knowing this, I have begun to pay attention to this. I found he is right and I have a slight symptom.

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I often have lots of meetings this semester. Like my friend pcish said, the graduated students don't have endless midterms but meetings. Also, I have some jobs in order to earn money. The more jobs you get, the more meetings you have. It's more comfortable for me to stay at home on Friday. Therefore, setting up all things on Thursday is the best choice. The top record of Thursdays is having five meetings a day.

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About one month ago, my roommate couldn't stand being waked up by mosquitoes. It didn't bother me that much. My roommate asks me how to solve this problem. I thought of mom's talk. All that you need to do is hang a mosquito net. What a trivial solution. Therefore, my roommate did and he had never bothered by mosquitoes from that day.

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I really want to say "Good Morning" on my blog, but things are always out of expectation.

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When people have no topic to talk, weather is the best choice.

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So I pass the diary today. XD

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This morning, a tragedy happened.

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Two of my roommates told me that they thought my life is too easeful.

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Latest I try to listen in Japanese when going to bed. I listen in ACG drama instead of the CD attached in textbooks. So learning in Japanese won't be too boring to keep. After all, the motivation of learning Japanese is to watch more animations and to read more comics.

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Since I've set up this blog, discarding this resource is not a good idea. Maybe I can start my English writing now.

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